These days, every website needs an SSL certificate to remain accessible via Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or other popular browsers. If you don’t secure your site, browsers will mark it as unsafe and your content won’t show up on search engine results pages. But can you get an SSL certificate without a domain name? This article will answer that question.
Table of contents
Can you get SSL without a domain name?
How to protect IP address with SSL certificate?
How to install SSL certificate without domain name?
What are the benefits of a public IP certificate?
Example of a Pubic IP Address SSL certificate
What SSL certificates can I get without a domain name?
Can you get SSL without a domain name?
Adding SSL to sites without a domain name is possible. While SSL certificates typically protect fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), some certificate authorities (CAs) issue special SSL certificates to protect public IP addresses.
To obtain an SSL certificate without a domain, you must provide proof of ownership of the IP address. This is done by verifying that you control the server hosting the site associated with the public IP.
A public IP address is accessible from the Internet. But if you want to protect a private IP address in your network, it is not possible with an SSL certificate issued by a public CA.
How to protect IP address with SSL certificate?
Now that you know that a domain name is not always mobile app development service necessary to request an SSL certificate, let's look at how you can get an SSL certificate without a domain name. To apply for a regular certificate, you need to specify the FQDN in the certificate signing request. Getting an IP address certificate is a different matter.
Verifying an SSL certificate for an IP address involves setting up an SSL certificate and passing the HTTP/HTTPS verification method . Moreover, this process differs depending on the certificate authority. GoGetSSL , for example, asks users to generate a CSR without a Common Name. Also, if you have a secure router instead of a server, you will have to forward the IP address to the server, pass the IP verification, and then forward the IP address back to the router.
Once your public IP SSL certificate is up and running, you can securely store and process sensitive information on your server.
How to install SSL certificate without domain name?
Installing a domain-less SSL certificate on a public IP address is similar to adding a certificate to a hostname. Each web server or network device has its own rules and policies regarding the installation and management of SSL. You should read their documentation or follow their SSL installation guide.
We have written over 80 guides on how to add an SSL certificate to various systems. In most cases, to install an SSL certificate without a domain name, you will need to do the following:
Wait for the CA to deliver the SSL files to your email address.
Download and unzip the ZIP archive on your device.
Upload the primary certificate (issued for your public IP) and intermediate certificates to your server in the correct order.
Reboot your system and check the HTTPS installation.